Collection: Dark Series portraits

Enter a realm where the enigmatic allure of femininity is celebrated with unabashed reverence.

This portrait series captures the essence of womanhood's dark and seductive dimensions, drawing

viewers into a world where mystery, sensuality, and raw emotion intertwine.

Each portrait is a canvas of mixed media magic. Delicate pencil sketches lay the foundation,

precisely carving out the initial forms and contours. Watercolours lend an ethereal quality, infusing

the portraits with a fluid, dreamlike serenity. They bleed and blend, mirroring the very nature of

femininity: gentle yet impossible to confine within rigid boundaries.

But it is the use of heavy body acrylic that adds the most striking contrast. Deep, earthy, and

grounded, this medium lends texture and weight to each portrait, juxtaposing the ethereal lightness

of watercolours. Its tactile nature adds depth, highlighting the complexities and layers that define the

modern woman.

The dark colour palette, rooted in earthy tones, magnifies the theme of grounded desire. It speaks of

a femininity in touch with its roots yet transcends the mundane. Shadows play a significant role,

casting their spell and revealing just enough to enthral but never fully divulging the secrets

beneath them.

This series is more than just an artistic expression; it's a homage to every woman who has ever

embraced her shadowy depths, seductive mysteries, and powerful allure. It invites viewers to dive

deep into the enigma of the feminine and revel in its intoxicating charm.